Holiday Points Competition 2013

This holiday season I shall be assigning points to people based on their behavior (or behaviour). These points are assigned solely by me and at my own discretion. They may not be questioned, amended, or reassigned. I may or may not provide an explanation for the points you have been assigned. Essentially, I do what I want. Good luck.

Points Assigned JBfan Date Reason (optional)
+500 iamikon 12/29 for noticing the love
+416 imhaz 12/21 for excellent use of pastebin
+23 imhaz|pcbsd 12/23 for helpful channel participation
+4 stream 12/17 for being up
-368 _jack_ 12/17 for the incredibly false statement, “WORTHLESS INTERNET POINTS!”
-18 Cobalt 12/16 for suggesting the freaking mumble server address should flash in Comic Sans on the JB homepage
-345 12/16 for a completely unnecessary netsplit
-45 isthatme-mobile 12/16 for not catching on and failure to understand IRC systems
-3 BluPhenix316 12/16 for not paying attention and noticing crunchbang until now
-400 imhaz 12/16 has been shut down for two months and imhaz only realized it yesterday
+1337 Allan 12/16 Baseline of Awesomeness
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